Data Processing Addendum

Last Updated: January 09, 2024

At Localportal, we are deeply committed to data privacy and protection. Understanding the importance of formal agreements in safeguarding data, we are prepared to invest time and effort to create a Data Processing Addendum (“DPA”) tailored to the needs of our clients.

If you require a DPA, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Send an email to [email protected] with the subject line “Inquiry for Localportal Data Processing Addendum.” Once we receive your request, we will engage with you to understand your needs and initiate the process of drafting a comprehensive DPA. After finalizing the document, we will send it to you for review. You can then sign the DPA and return it to us for our records.

We assure you that we take this process seriously and will work diligently to ensure that the DPA meets the highest standards of data protection and compliance.